As an old school Premium Welcome To 7th Heaven 1955 1959 1963 1965 1981 1988 2020 Shirt zombies player (started with WaW) I haven’t stayed invested in a map for much longer than a couple of weeks since Der Eisendrache in BO3, almost 5 god damn years ago. Change my mind, you can’t. The leveling up system with old school maps is what I loved. I’ve never been a fan of regular multiplayer, so having a leveling up system for zombies was awesome for someone like me. First time I’ve ever prestige on a CoD game. I think I agree, although Blops 2 comes close to me. I really really really love Buried and Origins. Bro, it’s literally just the original artwork for Blops 1…..
Premium Welcome To 7th Heaven 1955 1959 1963 1965 1981 1988 2020 Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie

I agree with you 100%, and Premium Welcome To 7th Heaven 1955 1959 1963 1965 1981 1988 2020 Shirts I have since I realized that the CoD-guy has rotting flesh and maggots. Tbf that was is actually from a DLC pack that was literally all zombies. The rest are just zombies reveal photos aside from WaW just being the logo of the model itself on a mobile app. BO1 is the worst IMO. Not sure what the best is but I don’t even recall a BO1 zombies logo other than the font used for its DLC, as shown above. Cold War’s logo is looking fresh. Loving that they brought the zombie soldier back.
Other products: Nice Keep Calm And Trust In Jesus Christ Shirt.