This is Steven. I just spent a decent amount of Pretty All Black Love Matters LGBT Hands Shirt time responding to a comment that was deleted (I think by our very respected moderators). However, I think the question was an important one worth addressing. In short, the question was why do we argue for racism in science when there are simply more white people in the U.S.? If there are more White people, there are of course going to be more White people in science. So, this is not a matter of racism, it is a matter of base rates. This is a question that comes up often, also in my classes, and I think it is a fair one and one worth addressing. Otherwise, we won’t truly understand how racism works. A few broader points first and then some data:
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The paper you cited was published in Pretty All Black Love Matters LGBT Hands Shirt a journal whose editor is female. I understand that that field is social psych but aren’t you obfuscating the point by citing the composition of editors in one field of psych (undoubtedly with a higher percentage of male PhDs). To me, it seemed at first that you wanted to talk only about racism in the USA. I’m not American, so, even though there is some huge underrepresentation of POC in STEM fields in my country, I couldn’t just accept everything that will be discussed here and take it as the truth of what happens around me daily.
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