The new testament is a Pretty LGBT Pride 2020 American Flag Shirt sequel, not a retcon. It doesn’t cancel the old stuff. IIRC Jesus even makes a point in saying so. Not necessarily “cancel”, I may have used the wrong word in my first comment when I said overwritten. The mosaic laws were an agreement between God and the Israelites, this agreement didn’t include anyone else. Nothing that is in the Mosaic Law applies to me or you as a Gentile(or anybody other than Jews) in virtue of it being in the Mosaic Law. No command is incumbent upon me in virtue of being part of the law. Here is an analogy: There is nothing in California law that applies to somebody living in Ohio.
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Basically what I’m saying is He didn’t create these rules “until I send my son and Pretty LGBT Pride 2020 American Flag Shirt then the group if you who believe in him are exempt but the rest of you still have to follow these rules.”. People living their lives based on books or manuscripts written hundreds or thousands of years ago. The world changes as quickly as the innovations we create. Be kind to people it’s not that hard.
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You don’t seem to be getting the point, in the views of Pretty LGBT Pride 2020 American Flag Shirt the Christian church, Christians are not the same people he was talking to. As I stated, God made this promise with Moses, a representative of the Israelite people. Mixing textiles is a sin and I’ve seen a lot of evangelical hate mongers in some cheap poly blends screaming about who strangers are fucking. It’s a weird fixation in my opinion, but then I go to a church where my priest is a lady, are a seminarian is a trans man and a third of the vestry is gay.
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