It depends on the type, if we’re talking about Pretty Santa Face Mask Merry And Masked Nursing Assistant Christmas Shirt the walking dead then no. In that case, it doesn’t matter if they rot out because there are plenty more humans that will turn when they die. It all comes down to which kind are we dealing with. In these zombie movies, I think we just have to accept that they have some element of “magic”, whether divine/unholy or something else. There is not only the problem with decomposing, maybe they still have some functioning immune system? I’m extremely skeptical of a real zombie apocalypse, however, fascinated by the idea. I love zombie culture, but I like well-thought concepts applied. Correct me if I’m won’t, as I’m no expert on anything related. These are just my personal thoughts formed from watching more than average movies and tv shows. The only thing I’d say is if you prepare for the zombie apocalypse you’re.
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I’m no prepper, by any Pretty Santa Face Mask Merry And Masked Nursing Assistant Christmas Shirts means. I’ve got a family and you need to be stocked on certain things all the time. Kind of? It really depends on what type of zombie you’re talking about, but the biggest common thread between the different types of zombies is one thing: Destroy the Brain. So, you may not even have to wait for the zombie to become a skeleton, you just need to wait until the brain decomposes. An actual timeline on how long that takes is hard to find since zombies are above ground corpses and most decomposition timelines involve the corpse being 6 feet under, but the brain decomposing definitely takes less time than turning into a skeleton. I find the concept of zombies biologically laughable after a certain point. It just doesn’t make sense. Never scared me in the least. I don’t believe it could happen either.
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