Christians believe God exists as Pretty Some Of Us Grew Up Listening To Waylon Jennings The Cool Ones Still Do Shirt three persons; father, son, Holy Spirit, otherwise known as the holy trinity. Each is fully God but is also a distinct person. The Christian God is 3 in 1. “One in Essence, 3 in persons” they sometimes say. Muslims do not believe God exists in three persons. They believe fundamentally in one god: god is one person. Strict monotheism (the belief in one god) is a huge aspect of Islam; they even have a word for it, which I can’t remember from the top of my head. Because of this, Muslims have historically labeled Christians as polytheists, as they believe that through believing in the trinity Christians worship 3 gods. Historically Christians have denied this.
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As they also claim to worship one Pretty Some Of Us Grew Up Listening To Waylon Jennings The Cool Ones Still Do Shirts true, who simply exists as three persons. Same with Jews: they believe Yahweh is wholly one. They do not believe Jesus is the Messiah, let alone that he is God in the flesh. Now Christians also believe that God is one, but that he exists in three persons. Jesus isn’t just a nice person or some aspect of God he is fully God. To deny the divinity of Jesus is to depart from fundamental, orthodox Christianity. Jesus himself says that if someone doesn’t believe in him, they do not believe in the father who would typically be associated as the God revealed in the old testament, which some would claim Muslims and Jews share in common.
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