What a Society Of Obstinate Headstrong Girls Displeasing People Since 1813 Vintage Shirt mind-fuck that case is. Comments like this and the OP bring true joy to my life, Joe exotic and big savage will be the next things I listen to, thanks for posting. Check out the thing about Pam. I’ve been binging NBC Dateline episodes lately and love them. He and his husband Dylan moved into our neighborhood right before he fled before his arrest! They rented a house with 5 acres here so they could have their white camel, and told my husband they had plans to bring their white tiger, Godiva. They disappeared 3 months into their lease in the middle of the night and then we followed the rest of it on the news.
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And honestly. I wouldn’t fault a single person for that. Lovecraft can be boring as shit to read. Not to Society Of Obstinate Headstrong Girls Displeasing People Since 1813 Vintage Shirt mention all the racism. As a non-native English speaker who’s currently in the middle of his collection, yea. I have to read his works in absolute silence and usually more than once so I can focus on it because it’s hard to read. Not boring (IMO) but extremely hard. It is a tough read. I had to spend more time looking up words than reading it. “I wouldn’t fault a single person for that. Lovecraft can be boring as shit to read.”
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Probably because she was playing the Society Of Obstinate Headstrong Girls Displeasing People Since 1813 Vintage Shirt holier than thou card and Joe was a complete character, I felt the same way. Joe was a complete wingnut, obviously shitty for treating the animals poorly, but Carole kept playing up that it was all about the animals, when it was clearly a personal battle for both. While talking about how all her clothes are too flashy because they’re cat prints. Pretty sure thrift stores are filled with that crap. I thought it was more that it would be inappropriate considering the charges and such.
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