At what point does it Some Girl Have Tattoos Pretty Eyes Love Crocs And Cuss Too Much Shirt become true though. Don’t get me wrong I know there’s a lot of grey and nuance in this thing called life. But I think individuals in the military at this point in time have to. Be self-aware enough to realize how different the “idea” of serving is from reality. People who have never risked their lives before having no business as “commander”. It’s a joke this fat piece of human filth has any authority whatsoever. But I’m Canadian and never served so what do I know. Australian here: if you are angry about this then for fucks sake VOTE.
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Vote or Some Girl Have Tattoos Pretty Eyes Love Crocs And Cuss Too Much Shirt not: either way you make your choice for who wins in November. His military supporters will ignore this completed and engage in a healthy round of what. Hell, just the other day a vet coworker started swiftboating John Kerry again FFS. Republicans, especially the ones that support Trump, do not, and have never once cared about the US army, especially its veterans. This should surprise nobody, just look at how they treated McCain. We all heard it with our own ears, at least those of us paying attention did. Also, ratios aren’t a great comparison either since the bigger the population gets the more exponential your little problems and deviations become. It just doesn’t scale up well.
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