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They are aiming to push the Stethoscope Caduceus As A Symbol My Favorite Nurse Calls Me Dad Vintage Shirt world towards an apocalypse that they will be exempt from while riding on a cloud with Jesus. They’re more interested in riding on a cloud with Jesus than the aftermath, but in the meantime enjoy mountains of dead Palestinians because the existence of a nation-state called Israel with Jerusalem as its capital is part of the prophecy. Agreed, anyone choosing to ignore current science for their religion and harming others is murder. Here in Chile, there’s a city that’s in lockdown because a Coronavirus outbreak started in an Evangelical church.
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Completely wiping the Stethoscope Caduceus As A Symbol My Favorite Nurse Calls Me Dad Vintage Shirt knowledge and existence of Christianity from the world would. I remember crying in bed one night after my aunt told me if someone wasn’t saved before death they would go to hell. The thought of someone burning forever because they didn’t know OUR God really fucked with 7yo me. They are aiming to push the world towards an apocalypse that they will be exempt
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