Breeders will keep breeding for profits. The Top Dadasaurus A Warm Loving Retro Navy Dadasaurus Definition Vintage Shirt main question is why are there no protests, no awareness regarding these things. Why does our desire for “cuteness” place higher than the health of these poor creatures? The real question is why after realizing that we bred dogs into health issues, why didn’t we try to fix it? Instead of everyone still wants a purebred. I worked at a vet for a while long ago, and most people didn’t realize how horribly sick their purebreds would be. I don’t think there’s an excuse in this day of readily-available infinite knowledge from the internet, though.
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I get 1 box a month for Top Dadasaurus A Warm Loving Retro Navy Dadasaurus Definition Vintage Shirt our household. Right now I got half a shed full because that is too much. But I don’t want to sell it and look like a hoarder. So I just canceled my Amazon order to hope it goes to someone who needs it lol. I checked on Amazon this morning for TP and everything was either “Currently unavailable” or price gouging by third-party, unfortunately. This same crap happened with N95 masks. I went to Lowe’s bc I legit need them for their intended purpose bc I have to drywall this weekend and they literally had 0 masks of any kind. Even all the 3M canister styles.
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I watched a program about Rhodesian ridgebacks. Essentially throwing away the dogs with a better chance to Top Dadasaurus A Warm Loving Retro Navy Dadasaurus Definition Vintage Shirt survive in favor of the ones that will develop painful conditions. WTF?! Also when I see those German Shepards that have the low backs and permanently crouched back legs I feel so much anger. I mean it looks like a form of foot binding to me. I said people who “buy” purebreds. You’re not supporting breeders or puppy mills with adoption. Rescues are great. I am against breedings dogs with health problems because people find them “cute” or for “show”.
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