Story of my life right now. I’ve owned an old BMW e36 for the past year which has, and Top Dark Helmet I Knew It I’m Surrounded By Assholes Shirt still is, given me constant grief! Does it need constant maintenance and attention? Yes! Has it drained my wallet? Almost! Do I regret buying it? No! Take a silver for being a fucking bro to a guy with a van like that. No questions or comments, just kindness. Seriously though, he has no excuse to drive drunk with this thing. He can fit the whole squad, he’s gonna make friends helping people move, parts are cheap for these. So many pros.
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I got a cheap van a year ago. Was planning to use it for a home business, but as Top Dark Helmet I Knew It I’m Surrounded By Assholes Shirt of yet, that hasn’t started. The van though. My gosh, having a van is great! Paid it’s worth already I reckon. Moving heavy shit around, helping people move house, taking shit to landfill. Even had a towbar so I can borrow the inlaws trailer and use it to collect even more stuff (often grab bulk compost for example). Hella useful. Not only that, but it has 3 seats at the front, and 3 fold downs in the rear, so it can take 6 people too.
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I read this entire post in a Slavic accent. Makes me want to strap on Top Dark Helmet I Knew It I’m Surrounded By Assholes Shirt an Adidas tracksuit, squat, and chain smoke while bragging about Van. Everything you said is exactly why I hated the van my parents had when I first got my license. One thing my father always said about vehicles is that the best vehicle you can get is a coupe so that no one can ask you for favors such as moving or what have you. Once it starts they will never stop asking. I’m totally cool with it myself but I can understand why others wouldn’t like that aspect of owning a utility vehicle.
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