A 9 point lead is a prohibitive front Top Hocus Pocus Starbucks Coffee Halloween Shirt runner, I’m not saying Biden won’t win, but it gets annoying only the outliers get news coverage and that’s why we need people to bring us back down to reality. Let’s hope Americans actually go out to vote this time! That’s the one and the only thing that matters. It is possible. I think there are some people out there who will still defend Trump because they don’t want to admit it was a mistake to elect him – but would not mind if he were gone. I am absolutely sick of all the constant talk about this dumb asshole and the latest stupid, heartless, tone-deaf, fraudulent, or actively criminal thing he’s done.
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The posts about all of them are Top Hocus Pocus Starbucks Coffee Halloween Shirts incessant. None of this means crap if Democrats don’t get off their tails and go vote! We always lose because so many expect someone else to do it for us. You want a stop to police brutality, vote! Everyone, listen to me: stop caring about the polls. Do not get lulled into a false sense of security. Just go vote as soon as you can. I am anxiously awaiting October 13 so that I can simultaneously. Democrats: Please don’t read this and get complacent. You guys need to vote. Some of Trump supporters publicly oppose him but privately support him.
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