The only You Don’t Stop Farming When You Get Old You Get Old When You Stop Farming Line Shirt thing. I care about in this election is watching our two senile presidential candidates battle it out on the debate stage. If that doesn’t happen then this election is more of a joke than it already is. Not sure why people who were undecided or progressive would just hand their votes over to the GOP, especially considering how things are going. What am I missing? Great idea, the nail in the coffin that proves democrats think supporting minorities of a joke. Joe Biden wrote the bills that gives police immunity and are causing the problems we’re seeing protesters riot against.
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Kamala Harris, as A.G. prosecuted the You Don’t Stop Farming When You Get Old You Get Old When You Stop Farming Line Shirt minorities that cops arrested. What scares me is that Trump has a very rich very powerful group of friends that want to see him remain president. With the virus forcing us to vote by mail, or whatever there is a great risk of those powerful people. Or fuck, Russia to interfere again and cause massive voter fraud even more than what is going on now. He’s screwed up USPS. How can we fight this? President Trump donated to Kamala D. Harris’s campaign for California attorney general as recently as 2013, sending $6,000 her way in 2011 and 2013. His daughter Ivanka Trump also contributed $2,000 to Harris in 2014.
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