A monkey is sitting in a tree, smoking a joint when A Woman Cannot Survive On Dunkin Donuts Alone She Also Needs Sloths Shirt a lizard walks past. The lizard looks up and says “Hey, what are you doing?” The monkey says “Smoking a joint. Come up and join me”. This looks like Costa Rica. I would say….the poor baby looks stressed out but will recover quickly from it if it was just a selfie. The worst thing about this post is that it perpetuates and encourages tampering with animals in their natural environment and might cause other people to disturb wild animals for karma.
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Whoa! Did I just read a well balanced and A Woman Cannot Survive On Dunkin Donuts Alone She Also Needs Sloths Shirt analytical assessment of a single picture without unjustifiable judgment? And a logical personal assessment without hate-mongering? Had to look up and see if I was still on Reddit. Please do not approach wild animals like this. It stresses them out. People shouldn’t go out of their way to get close enough to wild animals where it affects their behavior. This is a sloth in full panic mode. Sloths raise their arms to activate glands in their armpits when they are threatened. This is a tourist teasing an animal for a picture.
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