Eventually, she began asking to start up again. Took about Everybody Should Believe In Something I Believe I’ll Read Another Chapter Otter Read Book Shirt 3 years altogether, but it was so worth it for many reasons – the bonding, the building of the habit of reading, the free entertainment, and exercise of the imagination. One of the neat things about aging is that your memory sheds enough smaller details that you really enjoy re-reading thins you read long sgo…or not so long ago! I’ve been fortunate enough to possess this skill from a young age. I can rewatch a movie 1 year after watching it and never even know I’d seen it in the first place if it weren’t for my wife reminding me.
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Reading to your kid is the best thing in the world. Started on Everybody Should Believe In Something I Believe I’ll Read Another Chapter Otter Read Book Shirt her first day in the world and have never stopped. She is only 16 months old but already books are her favorite things. She is just as likely to grab a book as she is a flashing toy. If she gets into mischief I just need to hold up a book and ask if she wants to read and she will come running. Seeing your kid pick up your love of reading is one of the best things ever. I don’t even know your daughter, but I am proud of her for stopping the reading of the books when she couldn’t bear it anymore because it was too intense for her.
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