You’re right. The whole Awesome Sudo Rm Rf Vintage Shirt administration/campaign is hobbled. Crippled even. Brad’s gone. Bill’s got Covid. Kelly Ann is recovering. Miller just caught it. Christie is in the hospital. You didn’t witness that remote control fly give Pence pinkeye live on TV? Projection, as per usual with this trash. Do you mean bat-like as in vampire bat, or bat as in wooden club upside the head? Bill as in Bill Bar? I didn’t see that one! Barr had a clean test and he’s back to work. He won’t take another test unless he shows symptoms. Right. He wouldn’t want his ego battery to run down. It’s probably the only thing keeping him alive.
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Also, he is afraid of the mute Awesome Sudo Rm Rf Vintage Shirt button. Interrupting seems to be the sole GOP strategy for debating. How probable is that he will try to postpone elections in current circumstances? I mean one candidate is with Corona, rising numbers, lots of high-rank people are sick, etc. IMO is a perfect justification to postpone elections until after mass-vaccination. This is what probably Wall Street is currently modeling. He has no power or authority over the administration of elections. But then again, that’s never stopped him in the past from trying some. I suppose he could call Bannon and promise him more concentration camps if he forgives him.
Other products: Nice Mickey Mouse Mask Stay Out Of My Bubble Covid-19 Shirt.
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