Your description of Awesome Tommy Lasorda Los Angeles Dodgers Shirt your journey through it just fits a Saturn return experience. Especially the outcome. That is its purpose: to give you some weight heft for added stability, resilience. Don’t know much about astrology, but I’d certainly call it a night of the soul. Or just be lucky. I’m an introverted hermit who is lucky enough to not lose my livelihood and have no friends or family negativity impacted by the pandemic. So far so good. I don’t consider myself an Olympian & I wouldn’t say things are fine but I’m not concerned. It’ll get resolved eventually. Everyone just needs to chill out until it’s over.
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Yeah, as someone who Awesome Tommy Lasorda Los Angeles Dodgers Shirts normally/used to have depression, isolation has actually made me a lot happier. Although I’m aware of your intentions behind the statement mental-health equivalent of an Olympian. I’d just like to point out the documentary. The Weight of Gold explores the mental health struggles of Olympians. Sorry, I’m not trying to call you out or nitpick, it’s just that before seeing your comment, I literally just watched the documentary which discusses how people assume Olympians have no mental health struggles. Yep, it’s objectively bad. Hard not to have a low mood!
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