Wait can I do this? Been trying to figure out the limits to Fireball The Nighttime Sniffling Sneezing How The Hell Did I End Up On The Floor Medicine Shirt wild shape, I recently transformed into a bigfoot because my party had found the Sasquatch, and he took offense because apparently I was “appropriating his culture”. I played a Wild Magic Sorceress that would purposefully cause her wild magic to flair and even had a magic item that allowed me to roll on the wild magic table whenever. She used a LOT of chaos bolts and the dm even let me flavor a few spells into chaos magic for her. She was BLAST to play.
Fireball The Nighttime Sniffling Sneezing How The Hell Did I End Up On The Floor Medicine Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
What spells did you flavor? My GM thought it was funny that Fireball The Nighttime Sniffling Sneezing How The Hell Did I End Up On The Floor Medicine Shirt my goal was to roll as many dice as I possibly could and leave everything to chance. I pretty much only have one strict rule I want players to follow, other than don’t be a jerk. Its that if I’m giving a description of a room or person or thing, don’t interrupt me. You can wait 10 damn seconds to cast your lightning bolt, Joe, just let me say what the damn goblin has for a weapon and we can move on. They can still rush things, me finishing a description doesn’t mean they aren’t able to maneuver or surprise something that they would have been able to anyway.
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2 reviews for Fireball The Nighttime Sniffling Sneezing How The Hell Did I End Up On The Floor Medicine Shirt