Hold up. Don’t presidential candidates receive Good America Can Still Be The Greatest Country Shirt classified briefings in the months prior to the election to get them up to speed? And if so, don’t they need a clearance to receive them? If so, does that mean that Trump got clearance in like the summer of 2016? Unfortunately, elected officials are granted their clearance. As a requirement to perform their duties. Naturally. But I think that’s a rule that could realistically be changed. Just like how ownership of a security clearance is a requirement. For many jobs in both the private and public sectors e.g. I work for a government contractor.
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Being able to acquire a Good America Can Still Be The Greatest Country Shirt clearance should be a prerequisite for running for President, just like being 35 or older and having been born in the US are requirements. Before you can officially apply as a candidate you should at least be able to pass a preliminary security screening by investigators. That would not be good. That would put inclusion or exclusion of a presidential candidate in the hands of whoever writes the security regulations. I don’t think adding additional job requirements for one of the most powerful positions in the world is a bad thing just because the rules are written by people.
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