Yeah, OC is just gonna eat Good Nurse Better Days 2021 Are Coming Respiratory Therapist T-Shirt air, right? Thanks, I’m cured. Well, I wasn’t sure what to say, but I didn’t want OP to despair. These are tough times and we all have a different story. Take care. No one offered a cure. Just well wishes. Stop saddling them with that. I want other Americans to understand this. There are no social safety nets for people in this country. When someone says we need to lock down for a few weeks what I hear is I don’t care if you won’t have a way to earn money or have any food. At this time, this country is not set up to do any lockdowns.
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The people do not have the support Good Nurse Better Days 2021 Are Coming Respiratory Therapist T-Shirts they need. I’m struggling now and there is no help. Yet people on this sub call me selfish and evil because I want to go back to work. I don’t have a choice. It is either go back to work or doesn’t have food. They wonder why people can’t just stay home and put their lives on hold, while they have a nice family and comfy job. If people had behaved like adults after lockdowns though, or if certain countries had even had a lockdown, we would all be in a much better position now though to engage in some normal social behaviors.
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