He’s like a Heroman Of Sektesekarong Halloween Shirt schoolyard bully. I’m starting a GoFundMe for soundproof booths and microphones attached to egg timers. “Proud boys stand down and stand by”. We were all thinking it! SHUT UP TRUMP! That was the worst debate EVER! I’m so disappointed in Chris Wallace’s performance as a moderator. How can a man claim to have done as much for the Black community as “maybe” Lincoln…and not have the sack to denounce white supremacists 20 minutes later. That was the worst presidential debate I’ve ever watched. Trump was about as disgusting as he could have been.
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I worry about Heroman Of Sektesekarong Halloween Shirt an America who votes that man as their leader. What a disgrace. I can’t believe what I’m watching. This is an absolute disaster. Chris Wallace should and could have done more. Threaten to mute him or something. Treat him like the child he is. God, it was so nice to hear someone telling trump to shut the hell up. This is the worst presidential debate ever. I am so sad. Our country is going down the drain. We need to do something about it. VOTE… I believe the best thing that Biden said tonight was “This is so unpresidential.” I can’t think of anything that better summarizes Trump’s presidency.
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