He’ll continue to live long and rock on I’m sure. Fucking legend. I’m not sure I could survive 5 years drinking like that, and I’m a semi-healthy 27-year-old. The purpose of the coke was to Make Way For Gray Not All Diseases Are Pink Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Shirt allows him to drink more before passing out. I went through about a 5 year period where I drank copious amounts of booze. Your body builds a tolerance, and before long it took a few shots and a few mixed drinks to really get a good buzz going. I started to believe this guy was immortal. Then I saw him live in the fall of 2018 and thought man he does not look good.
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Not just a bottle. A half-gallon. He took a Make Way For Gray Not All Diseases Are Pink Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Shirt drink and handed it back. Lemmy said no that’s yours, handed it back, and opened one of his own. Genetic lottery is the real MVP. One person can smoke for 2 years and get lung cancer, another can smoke for 40 and never get it. Our grandchildren will have to ask “what kind of world are we going to leave behind for Keith Richards?” After that, all the drugs and alcohol have actually mummified your body, granting you immunity to the effects of aging.
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It isn’t always shaking. My mother is about to Make Way For Gray Not All Diseases Are Pink Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Shirt the same age and was diagnosed a few years ago. She’s gone downhill quickly. No shaking, but she thinks she’s in the tv show that’s on, even if it’s cartoons. She talks to the show, but it’s not really talking because she can’t form real words. She also lost the ability to walk. Fuck Parkinson’s. Because there were articles about him getting diagnosed with Parkin syndrome from 2005. Does Google seem to suggest it’s the same thing? I can’t seem to figure the distinction. Maybe the media is treating it like it’s new info and they were just announcing he’s moved to stage.
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