Yeah. And just to add to Nice Heavy Metal Eat Metal Sleep Repeat Shirt this. I think it’s best to look at the Muslim pledge. There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God. La illaha meaning there is “no god”, illallah meaning “but God.” Btw, I’m not Arab, my family is Pakistani, so we speak Urdu, my transliteration may be a bit off. And English is my first language. So “Allah” is effectively the combination of “Al Allah”. Think of it like this: we use one word for the Abrahamic god and the same word for other deities. Assuming that other languages have only one word for “deity” isn’t going to always be accurate. Thank you. All the Abrahamic religions share the same roots. The guy who refuses to take a COVID test. Thank god Pelosi is ahead of him.
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The Quran was written after Nice Heavy Metal Eat Metal Sleep Repeat Shirt the Bible in its current form was compiled. And it still has a surprising amount of the new testament stories in it. (Fun fact, the Quran mentions the virgin mary more times than the Bible. ) They simply believe that Jesus was a prophet of God, and not god himself. Pretty much every new Abrahamic religion that came along simply built upon and retconned the shit out of the previous one it sprung from. Mormonism, the various sects of Islam, Anglican, the various branches of Christianity such as the Protestant reformation branches, etc. But they all share the same roots. He’s the least likely to be able to seek another term. So he’s most likely to be a caretaker until the next election.
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