Trump may have accidentally become the Skeleton Dia De Muertos Day Of The Dead Shirt thing we needed in my opinion. I’ve had this opinion before he got elected. Knowing that this was a corrupt system. The lame two-party system that spouts rhetoric with no meaning. The out of control corporations that poison us with no regard except more profits. The justice system that habitually punishes the poor whether they black, Latino, or whites. Health system that just sucks. Religious fascism that has always been around. A racist far-right or just right that finally did away with coded rhetoric. A neo-liberal left that’s just Republican light. With both parties serving corporations, not citizens.
Skeleton Dia De Muertos Day Of The Dead Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
He was never the Skeleton Dia De Muertos Day Of The Dead Shirt real problem but he surely put everything on Front Street for all to see. Now it’s who’s on what side and what actions we take. There is a whole lot of old systems that need to be broken down. So to me, Trump has done well accidentally. He awoke the people to action. The biggest impact I don’t see people talk about is Trump avoiding war with Iran. After a US drone got shot down, the military planned a bombing attack as a response. Trump personally stopped it when he realized the strike would have killed dozens of Iranians. With the rhetoric you hear from most career politicians in both parties, pretty much anyone else in the office would have let the military proceed with the strike.
Other products: Premium Freddie Mercury And Cats Don’t Stop Meow Shirt.
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