Sloths have weird ways to deter predators from Top Drinking Like Abraham Lincoln American Flag Independence Day Shirt. Because I knew someone would reply with some obscure but legit defense mechanism that I didn’t know about. I was not disappointed. Those claws look pretty dangerous and they have very sharp “cheek teeth”. Plus there’s not a whole lot of predators big enough to want a sloth sized meal that can also climb trees. Obviously sloths do come down (and even swim pretty well) but apparently not often enough to wipe them out. So you’ve got bigger predators that get them on the ground or in water.
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You missed the biggest defense it has, rainwater or any water makes its fury create an alga that deters predators. TBH it’s kind of like animals with actual defenses. They did it by becoming dangerous. Sloths did it by becoming less valuable as a meal. Not returning, maybe management will do something about it. Service was also DMV slow. Another interesting fact about chameleons is that they don’t really change colors to blend in with their environment. Thanks for Top Drinking Like Abraham Lincoln American Flag Independence Day Shirt sharing this, dude is swimming like a champ.
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