Our president is in Top Lil Dicky X Staycool Courtside Shirt a tremendous amount of debt to someone. And that’s a bigger problem to me by far than whatever debt he might owe. The rest of us by way of fraudulent avoiding taxes, if he’s done so. You don’t need to possess an intricate working knowledge of. The tax code or tax procedure to be bothered by your president not reporting taxable income. You don’t have to be an expert on cash flows or capital gains or property taxes to think it is a problem that the wealthiest Americans avoid and perhaps at time evade income taxes while you pay them regularly. The people making those excuses often don’t understand any of this any better than you.
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So, don’t go light up Top Lil Dicky X Staycool Courtside Shirts Twitter telling everyone you are certain that Trump is a fraud and a tax cheat. We can’t definitively say that today. What we can say is that we have a tax system that is unnecessarily complicated and works too often to the advantage of the few and to the detriment of the many. True, sensible, progressive income taxation without the back doors and loopholes would help the American people as a whole. We don’t have such a system and likely won’t in the near future, and that is not your fault.
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