At least you only read about it. Yeah, it did! And to be those alligator wranglers. They’re armed with a hose and Top Party Like A Croc Star Shirt a couple of sticks. No thanks, you couldn’t pay me enough! And yet when I lived in South Florida I witnessed no fewer than three dumb ass tourists poking alligators in the face with sticks… Oh god… I love gators but I never came close to one of them IRL. I would never, NEVER poke the damn thing with anything. They deserve all of the admiration, from the safe distance, of course.
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Former Florida resident here. I know it seems crazy but there’s a Top Party Like A Croc Star Shirt park in the Everglades with the same thing and it’s safer than it seems. If those cold-blooded bastards are lounging in the sun they’re not interested in moving. If you’re not within swivel range of their mouth you’re not really in danger. They’re ambush water predators, not pursuit land ones. Alligators use bizarre, permanently erect penises that pop out of their bodies and are sucked back in just as quickly. Unlike many other reptiles and mammals, alligators sport permanently erect penises that hide inside their bodies.
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The precautions you really need to take care to not swim in gator waters and keep your small dogs off Top Party Like A Croc Star Shirt the banks of such waters. Outside of that, they’re much scarier in concept than reality. South Floridian here, I remember growing up walking out in the backyard and seeing one in our pool. We instantly went back inside and didn’t go back out for the rest of the day. Right. It barely moved. That BBQ never had a chance. Honestly, I didn’t think they could move that fast. Scary. Millions of years of pure evolution. Beautiful.
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