People blame shit they don’t understand on Violent When Necessary Shieldmaiden Skull Shirt they hate or don’t understand. It’s not raining? The jews are the problem. Our children are sick? burn the red-haired woman in the forest. I cant pleasure my wive? Let’s go to war with the Turks. Unfortunately, science has one drawback- they obey data and facts. That’s a pain in the ass for politicians, who prefer scientists to obey them instead. It’s not a new dynamic. Galileo found out the hard way being right means jack if it’s politically inconvenient. Islamic culture used to lead the world in science- until their religious leaders feared the matchbook might one day trump the Koran. Can’t have that, and humanity hasn’t recovered since.
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I’m a high school science teacher, and Violent When Necessary Shieldmaiden Skull Shirts I had a professional development class on Galileo once. He got hauled before the inquisition once and got a slap on the wrist. The second time, he decided to make his point about science while very personally and publicly insulting the pope. The inquisition recommended another slap on the wrist, but the pope was pissed about the insult (not the science, per se) and demanded house arrest. Not saying it’s right, but Galileo had balls of steel to so flagrantly call the pope.
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